Anne discovers 30 favourite Flemish spots

Thirty local ambassadors take professional discoverer Anne with them showing her their favourite places. For this TripTelling series, we worked with the five Flemish provinces. The goal: introducing Flemish tourists to short vacations they could take in their own backyard.
Together with our partner, Authority, launched a clever online marketing campaign. And took care of both the creation and the distribution to reach the right target groups. The campaign ran for a year, with incredible results: more than 6 million people watched the videos.
Would you like to know more?
Watch the videos via the YouTube channel for Logeren in Vlaanderen Vakantieland.

The numbers
The video series was a hit. More than 6 million people watched the videos and 600.000 of these were full views. With 200.000 clicks from YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, traffic flowed to relevant tourism websites