About us

We are the travel companion who makes your communication journey more pleasant 

Thx. empowers the business of tourism and leisure brands.

About Thx.

Do you know the feeling? You want to prepare your next trip, but you don't know where to start. Copy that! At Thx. we see it as our mission to make your trip as pleasant as possible. By offering inspiration, by mapping out the route together, but also by establishing contacts and taking action. 

Our consultants are your experienced guides, our office your refuge from which we explore the Benelux together. We hope you won't mind that we deviate from the beaten track every once in a while. We promise it will be an unforgettable adventure, one for which you will thank us afterwards. You're welcome, by the way!

Our mission

At Thx.agency we have a sixth sense for detecting new opportunities and possibilities. That is how we help our clients to reach the right target group in a sustainable way. We dare to open new doors and we connect the right dots.

As such, we like to see ourselves as the connecting link between industry, media and consumer.


We combine the flexibility of a small communication agency with the expertise of an industry specialist. Together, our team has more than 75 years of experience in communication and marketing for the travel sector.

Kris Van den Broeck

Commercial Director

Jo Thuys

Account Director

Julie Schoefs

Jr. Account Manager

Julija Burgarski

Finance & Account Manager

Jeroen Libbrecht

Strategic Director

Wendy van den Boom

Account Manager

Anna Mechelmans

Jr. Account Manager

Niel Van Herck

Creative Director

Robin Ollevier

Digital Marketeer

Sustainable tourism

As an agency within the travel industry, we are well aware of the impact of our campaigns on nature and the environment. Therefore, Thx.agency compensates the CO2 emissions of all its press and study trips via Climate Neutral Group.

Money that is integrally invested in sustainable energy projects in Cambodia, India and Uganda, among others. Companies and organisations that focus on sustainable tourism receive a special rate if they wish to work with us. Would you like more information?

Thx to new talent

We love new talent, new ideas and great colleagues. Join our team and learn all about the tricks of PR, Influencer Marketing, Social Media or Trade marketing within the travel and leisure industry.